A Canadian CF-5 mounted as decoration at Kamloops Airport. A large maple leaf is painted across the bottom of the plane.

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2024 Q4 Passenger Statistics

Kamloops Airport announces the traveller numbers for Q4 of 2024, as compared to the same period from the previous year.

 Q4 Travelers 84,218 76,560 -9.1%
 Year-End311,696 310,507 -0.4% 

The decreases experienced in Q4 of 2024 can be attributed largely to the reduction in capacity resulting from flight frequency reductions to Calgary and Vancouver as compared to Q4 in 2023.  Although flights are operating at or near capacity on all routes, the current frequency reductions are expected to remain in the near term with pre-pandemic services to Calgary returning in the spring.

To rebuild traveler numbers to pre-pandemic levels, Kamloops Airport Ltd. is working closely with our business and tourism industry partners on destination development opportunities to bring more visitors to the region. We remain optimistic these efforts will support growth to pre-pandemic levels as we work with our stakeholders in the airline, tourism, and business sectors to amplify Kamloops and the surrounding area as a destination for both tourism and commerce.   

Kamloops Airport Ltd. (KAL) is a member of Vantage Group.
If you require additional information, please contact:

Ed Ratuski, Managing Director Kamloops Airport Ltd.
Tel. (250) 376-3613-ext 104      

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