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Kamloops Airport Partners with #NotInMyCity to Combat Human Trafficking

Kamloops, B.C.; February 11, 2025

Kamloops Airport Ltd. is proud to announce its partnership with #NotInMyCity (NIMC), a Canadian-based advocacy organization dedicated to ending human trafficking and sexual exploitation. This collaboration highlights the vital role that transportation hubs play in identifying, preventing and combating human trafficking across Canada.

Human trafficking remains one of the fastest-growing crimes in Canada, with victims often being moved through airports and other transportation systems. By joining forces with #NotInMyCity, Kamloops Airport Ltd. is committed to combating human trafficking by offering training to personnel in the airport community to identify and respond to human trafficking, displaying educational materials to raise awareness and partnering with community organizations to strengthen response efforts.

“As Kamloops is located at the intersection of two major transportation corridors, the airport has a responsibility as a committed community partner to participate in this program and offer airport employees the necessary training to recognize cases of human trafficking and take appropriate action,“ says Ed Ratuski, Managing Director of Kamloops Airport.

“We have had tremendous success partnering with airports throughout the country to help drive awareness and education, and ultimately helping to stop traffickers and protect survivors,” says Paul Brandt, Founder of #NotInMyCity. “We warmly welcome Kamloops Airport to our network, strengthening the chain of vigilance we are building among our air transportation Allies. Together, we are working together to end the terrible crimes of human trafficking and sexual exploitation.”

Kamloops Airport joins dozens of other airports across Canada that are transportation allies of Not In My City. February is Human Trafficking Awareness Month, with February 22 recognized as Human Trafficking Awareness Day. Travellers and community members can learn more about the cause at All members of the public are encouraged to take #NotInMyCity’s e-learning program, a free, 30-minute course that has been completed by thousands of Canadians to date.

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