Cars parked in a parking lot at Kamloops Airport. Bright coloured flowers and green trees are visible in the foreground and background of the image.

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Kamloops Airport offers convenient, affordable parking within walking distance of the terminal.

We offer hourly, daily and weekly parking rates as well as an annual parking pass for frequent travelers.  Passengers or visitors can pay for parking by their license plate at one of our pay stations located inside the terminal.

Additional parking is available in the overflow parking lot along Airport Road. Parking rates apply in all parking areas on Kamloops Airport property.

Pay by Phone

PaybyPhone service is now available at Kamloops Airport. More information here.

Get started by downloading the app on your device:


Hourly: $2.50
Daily (24-hour period): $16.00
Weekly: $98.00
Annual Pass: $1,463.70 (includes tax)

Accessible and Veteran Parking

Those who hold a valid parking permit for people with disabilities or have a veterans license plate are welcome to park at the Kamloops Airport for no charge, for a maximum of three hours.

Cellphone Waiting

Picking someone up? Wait in your vehicle for free at our Cellphone Waiting Area, located in the overflow lot. Please follow local by-laws and idle only as necessary.

Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

Kamloops Airport has two FLO Level 2 EV charging stations in the main parking lot.  The use of the charging station is included in the cost of parking.

Contact us with questions or for details about the Annual Pass:

Phone: 250.376.3613 Extension: 0
Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:00 am – 4:00 pm

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